#buygood #dogood
Seit 2009 kreiert in Cuenca - Ecuador das ATELIER AVANZAR Taschen und Accessoires, die mühelos feine Handwerkskunst, Slow Fashion und langlebige Stile und Materialien miteinander verbinden. Taschen, die von den Geschichten der wunderbaren Frauen inspiriert wurden, die im Atelier Avanzar arbeiten und es unterstützen, sowie von denen, die in der Avanzar Foundation gelernt haben und dort gedeihen.
Hinter dem Label ATELIER AVANZAR steht die gemeinnützige Stiftung FUNDACION AVANZAR, die von Margarita Heredia Forster 1999 in Zürich ursprünglich mit dem Ziel gegründet wurde, sozial benachteiligte Mütter, Frauen und kranke Kinder in Ecuador zu unterstützen. Die Programme der Stiftung sind schrittweise vielfältiger geworden, da im Endeffekt Aus- und Weiterbildung die Schlüssel zu wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit bilden.
Beatriz, Concha mit Ihrem Enkelkind & Margarita
#BUYGOOD #DOGOOD ist das Credo:
Hab’ Freude an der Mode und tue zugleich Gutes.
In a world of fast fashion, the Avanzar team dares to stop and look closely. Without rushing it, they enjoy their love for the process, the details and – most importantly – the people.
Working conditions and work ethics are a priority in all parts of the creative process. The weavers are the heart of the Atelier and their well-being and that of their families are the motor that energizes and motivates us every single day.
The bags are designed in a perfect and harmonious teamwork between Switzerland and Ecuador and handmade by an excellent team of weavers and artisans in Ecuador —a country known for its long history as a manufacturer of handicrafts.
The materials used to create Avanzar bags are sourced in Ecuador, Peru & Colombia. The quality of yarn and leather are very important for the durability of the bags, as is the expertise and perfection of the handmade work. Therefore, we pay particular attention to both.
Our bags are protected on the inside with a soft but durable and washable lining, which prevents the weaved part from warping or stretching. The material from which the bags are woven is washable, water-repellent and will remain in good condition for a very long time.
The shapes and details of our bags showcase the high level of attention put into the work. Each bag is meticulously handcrafted by both a weaver and a professional artisan from the first step to the last.
The small team and close collaboration encourage creativity and quality throughout the entire process.
While the Atelier Avanzar was created in 2009 to offer flexible and well-paid work to women and mothers with limited resources, as well as to support the Fundación Avanzar with an important part of its annual expenses, the Fundación Avanzar has been dedicated since 1999 to providing training in practical areas to enterprising women who are looking to improve their lives and those of their children.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
@atelieravanzar and @fundacionavanzar